USA Today Names Blissfield High School's Kristi Grayer a "Courageous Leader"

TROY, Mich., May 20, 2004 - Jeff Nellett, USA Today General Manager, presented the 2004 USA Today Courageous Leader Award to Kristi Grayer, a business education teacher at Blissfield High School in Blissfield, Mich. Nellett commented that, "This award goes to a woman who has used her creativity and the creativity of her students to take the program to the next level."

Grayer has fully embraced the Courageous Persuaders program and its ideals. Due to her commitment and inspiration, a tremendous number of entries were generated from her school. Becoming instrumental in promoting the scholarship program in her school and community, Grayer organized an event at Blissfield High School, in which her Courageous Persuader students shared their work and experiences with members of her community, parents and other students. One of her students came up with the name for her event, "A Night of Persuading."

Quoting one of her favorite lines by Thomas Edison in her award acceptance speech, Grayer stated, "If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." Nellett added, "She certainly astounded us."

Did your teacher, friend or community leader make a major contribution to Courageous Persuaders? Nominate them for the 2004 Courageous Leader Award, and tell us how they did it. Email us at katherinemaggi@MSN.COM,
Please be sure to put in your subject line: '2004 Courageous Leader'

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