If you are currently a high school student in the state of Michigan, register now by e-mailing the following information to katherinemaggi@MSN.COM, and get started making your commercial right away:

If you live anywhere else in the world, e-mail us and let us know who you are, where you go to school, and that you would like to have a Courageous Persuaders competition in your area. E-mail: katherinemaggi@MSN.COM,

Employees of McCann Erickson, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, and their immediate families are not eligible to enter this competition.


The grand prize-winning commercial will be broadcast on television and the team that created it will work with McCann Erickson to upgrade the commercial for air. The top four prize-winning teams will receive Courage Trophies, Award Certificates and Scholarship Money. The total amount of each scholarship will be distributed among the members of the winning team.
Grand Prize
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Since winning commercials will appear on commercial television and select scenes may be featured in magazine advertising or other promotional material, you must have everyone identifiable by voice or face in your commercial sign simple release forms.

Also: Do not use any published music without permission of owners.



Print out an entry form and cassette label. Choose the best format, listed below, for your needs:

Adobe Acrobat File 59k - To download: Right click (option + click for Mac) on the link and "Save Target As" or "Save Link As." Save the file to your computer. Open the file in Adobe Acrobat Reader and print.

Microsoft Word Document 159k - To download: Right click (option + click for Mac) on the link and "Save Target As" or "Save Link As." Save the file to your computer. Open the file in Microsoft Word and print.

HTML Page - Click and print from your browser.

Fill in the information on the cassette label and the entry form, glue the cassette label to the cassette, insert the entry form and the cassette into the envelope and mail it to:

Courageous Persuaders
520 West Big Beaver Road
Troy, Michigan 48084

See "How to Win" for suggestions and tips.

If you are unclear on any rule, email your questions to  katherinemaggi@MSN.COM,


Videos submitted for the Courageous Persuaders competition will not be returned, and may be displayed, duplicated, edited and exhibited for educational or promotional purposes as deemed appropriate by the Courage First foundation. We suggest you make a duplicate of your commercial in case it is damaged in mailing.