retoucher artistretoucher artist
Automotive Retouching Retouching Web & Multimedia Design Flash Animation Illustration Pet Portraits Fine Art Artist Profile

Mouse over the image for "before"
Knock-out to transparency. Natural shadow on transparency.
Color-shift to specified green. Add shadows to origami to enhance shape. Add contrast to brighten image.
General clean-up (not visible at this low resolution.)


Mouse over the image for "before"
Bottle is approximately 6" high in a magazine ad for Ford Edge.
A LOT of clean-up (remove or fix irregularities in bottle, label, reflections). Remove brand name from label. Shift color of label.


Mouse over the image for "before"
Knock-out to transparency. Natural shadow on transparency.
Adjust density and contrast to look aesthetically pleasing while matching the actual product. Double-check and change as needed the Dodge red. Show detail in the watch face.
Change reflective portion of Ram's Head to black.


Mouse over the image for "before"
Knock-out to transparency. Natural shadow on transparency.
Fix green to match the actual product (fix density and color - show detail). Make the gray-looking blacks appear black. Change the rear bumper, windshield, and side mirror so that they read off of white.


Mouse over the image for "before"
Knock-out to transparency. Natural shadow on transparency.
Remove blue color-cast. Color correct to match the actual product.
Make Jeep lettering read on the black grill guards.
Shift the green tank to black.
Simplify reflections and clean-up flaws (most - not visible at this low resolution.)
Mouse over the image for "before"
Knock-out to transparency. Natural shadow on transparency.
Remove color cast / color correct to match actual product.
Remove "bulge" in the upper left of oval collar shape.
Remove rough edges of Jeep tag. Remove putty from shadow.

Mouse over the image for "before"
Knock-out product, shadow, and dirt to transparency.
Fix blown-out areas in toy and dirt. Make sure dirt reads off of white.
Simplify or remove odd eye-catching reflections in toy.
Mouse over the image for "before"
Knock-out to transparency. Natural shadow on transparency.
Remove color cast / color correct to match actual product.
Fix blown-out areas.


Mouse over the image for "before"
Knock-out product to work on white or very light background.
Natural shadow on transparency.
Remove texture of paper from the glass. Darken nose pads.
Darken and shape light areas of frame.
Remove glare from the area of the glass with the Jeep logo - make sure Jeep logo reads (not very visible at this low resolution).