Michigan Frogs & Toads
Michigan frog and toad breeding begins in late winter - early summer depending on the species. The males go to breeding sites (shallow water areas) and call the females. Males may fight over breeding sites. Fertilization of frog and toad eggs is strickly external in Michigan.
All Michigan frogs and toads have a larva (tadpole) stage in their life cycle.
Tadpoles mainly feed on algea but will also eat dead animals (including their dead brothers and sisters).
Adult frogs and toads are carnivorus. They will eat animals that fall into their predatorial size range (in most cases this means insects, however a large bullfrog may eat another frog, a turtle, a snake, a rodent, or a bird).
All frogs and toads absorb small amounts of their oxygen supply through their skin.
Frogs and toads absorb water through their skin as well.
- Frogs and toads have poison glands in their skin to help deter predators.
See also Michigan DNR
Bufo americanus americanus
Size: 2 to 4.5 "
Range: found throughout Michigan; may be round in suburban areas
Habitat: wooded areas; meadows; lakeshores.
Life cycle: breeding = early April to early May; metamorphisis = 1.5 to 2.5 months.
Call: musical trill
Bufo woodhousii fowleri
Size: 2 to 5 "
Range: western and southern counties of the lower peninsula
Habitat: wooded areas; fields; sandy areas; Sleeping Bear Sand Dune area
Life cycle: breeding = mid May to mid June; metamorphisis = 4 months.
Call: sounds like sheep.
Acris crepitans blanchardi
Size: .75 to 1.5 "
Range: southern half of the lower peninsula
Habitat: ponds; lakes; streams; muddy areas with plant life
Life cycle: breeding = late May to mid July; metamorphisis = 1.25 to 2.5 months.
Call: shrill; clickingBULLFROG
Rana catesbeiana
Size: 3.5 to 8 "
Range: throughout Michigan
Habitat: ponds; lakes; marshes; areas of plant growth
Life cycle: breeding = early June to early July; metamorphisis = 12 to 24 months.
Call: deep pitch; can be heard by humans up to 1/4 mile away.
See Also: Species Spotlight on Rana catesbeiana
Hyla versicolor / Hyla chrysoscelis
Size: 1.25 to 2.5 "
Range: throughout Michigan
Habitat: damp woodlands; swamps; farmland; suburbs
Life cycle: breeding = late April to June; metamorphisis = 1.5 to 2 months.
Call: trill sound (heard in spring and summer)GREEN FROG
Rana clamitans melanota
Size: 2 to 4.25 "
Range: throughout Michigan
Habitat: ponds; lakes; marshes; streams; swamps; rivers; damp woodlands
Life cycle: breeding = mid May to mid summer; metamorphisis = approx. 2 or 9 months (the 9 month figure = animals that spend the winter as tadpoles).
Call: like a banjo string
Rana septentrionalis
Size: 1.75 to 3 "
Range: throughout the upper peninsula of Michigan
Habitat: ponds; lakes; streams; areas of heavy plant life
Life cycle: breeding = early June to July; metamorphisis = 12 to 24 months.
Call: low pitch, metalic
Rana pipens
Size: 2 to 5 "
Range: throughout Michigan
Habitat: marshes; meadows; ponds; lakes; streams; grassy areas.
Life cycle: breeding = April; metamorphisis = 3 to 4 months.
Call: low snore-like for 3 seconds followed by clucking sounds
Pseudacris crucifer crucifer (Hyla crucifer)
Size: .75 to 1.38 "
Range: throughout Michigan
Habitat: swamps; woodlands; meadows
Life cycle: breeding = late March to May; metamorphisis = 2 to 3 months.
Call: high pitch whistle; trill; jingle bells soundPICKEREL FROG
Rana palustris
Size: 1.75 to 3.5 "
Range: throughout Michigan
Habitat: marshes; grassy areas; lakes; streams.
Life cycle: breeding = April to early May; metamorphisis = 2 to 3 months.
Call: low croak; snore-like sound
Pseudacris triseriata triseriataSize: .75 to 1.5 "
Range: found throughout the lower peninsula; may be round in suburban and farm areas.
Habitat: marshes; meadows; farm fields; damp woodlands.
Life cycle: breeding = mid March to April; metamorphisis = 1.5 to 2 months.
Call: rising trill for 1-2 secondsWOOD FROG
Rana sylvatica
Size: 1.5 to 3.25 "
Range: throughout Michigan
Habitat: damp shaded woodlands
Life cycle: breeding = late March to early April; metamorphisis = 1.5 to 2.5 months.
Call: short quacks
Michigan Reptiles and Amphibians